Language and Lingoid Links Links!!!! Interesting!!! Languages with more than 30,000,000 Speakers as of 1993 Info!!!! Very Interesting!!! |
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Survey for California and Other Indian Languages The history of American Indian language study at UC Berkeley makes it the top institution of the country in its field.The Department of Linguistics at Berkeley has a long tradition of excellent work in the area of American Indian languages, which was in fact its main focus in its first decades of existence. Dozens of dissertations and hundreds of publications on American Indian languages have been produced by the students and faculty here. Danny Ammon's Hupa Language Web Page I am putting this Web Page together to assist others in trying to learn to speak the Hupa Language as well as to help me in my study of the language and attempt to improve my own speaking ability. It is an honest effort with the hopes that it may aid in something very important... that our language will continue to be spoken - Language Page links to Navajo, Oneida, Sioux, Dakota, Lakota, Cherokee Foundation for Endangered Languages Guide To SouthWest Tribes and Reservations The Cherokees of California, Inc. The Cherokees of California, Inc., is a non-profit tribal organization. It is not affiliated with the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, nor is it a federally recognized tribal entity. We are banded together as descendants of a common Cherokee heritage. Our primary purpose is to preserve and pass on to the next generation our traditions, history and language. We invite all interested people who want to re-new ties with their Cherokee heritage to come and join us. Native American Links NativeNet NativeNet is designed to promote dialogue and understanding regarding indigenous peoples of all parts of the world. It provides a set of electronic mailing lists and archives and maintains a list of references to relevant information on the Web. Please see our information page to learn more about the history, vision and possible future ofNativeNet. Endangered-Languages-L Welcome to the Endangered-Languages-L Forum! This email list and associated web pages aim to provide a world-wide communications vehicle and a central electronic archive for anyone working on, or interested in, the study and documentation of endangered languages. The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas *********!!!!!!!!!! |
Amr's Arabic ArchiveSoftware and Hardware for Arabization Modern Standard Arabic Page Excellent source of resources and links for the study of Arabic Arabic Computing Homepage Another Excellent source of resources and links for the study of Arabic |
Taller Hispano CiberCentro La puerta de entrada a un mondo de información para los Hispanos MundoHispano the Spanish Language Learning MOO Zooloco Zoologico virtual Estrellita Accelerated Beginning Spanish Reading an educational reading program in Spanish for dominant Spanish speakers Latino Literature Web Page The name says it all - well worthwhile!! |
Hebrew Resources Learn, Study, Speak Hebrew Excellent site!!!! |
Italian Language Sites Good list of links for Italian Language |
Curso de Quechua El Curso consta de 12 capítulos, los cuales se irán agregado progresivamente, asi como los archivos de audio (en formato WAV y RA). |
Russian Teacher Resource Exchange Roy's Russian Language Resources Lots of Stuff!!! Maksim Moshkow's Library Extensive amount of Reading Material |
Samskrita Bharati's HomepageLessons, fonts One-Stop Site for Sanskrit!! |
Kiswahili Home Page Excellent site with much material ![]() |
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![]() Puede be isa nalang (Tagalog for There Can Be Only One) Speak Tagalog Web Page Good Starting Point Robert Purnell's Tagalog Classes Good Next Stop - with audio!! LERNEN SIE PHILIPPINISCH! Diese Seite ist für Österreicher/innen, die sich an Pilipino, die Staatssprache, oder eine der anderen Sprachen der Philippinen heranwagen wollen. Pilipino basiert auf der Tagalog-Sprache, die vor allem auf Luzon und anderen nördlichen Inseln gesprochen wird. Hier finden Sie auch Lektionen aus dem Internet und Verweise auf Institutionen oder Privatpersonen, die Filipino-Kurse veranstalten. Darüber hinaus sind auch wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aufgelistet. Handilinks Languages - Tagalog (Check this one out!!! Lots of resources!! LET'S STUDY TAGALOG Excellent material!! Let's Learn Some Tagalog A few useful phrases Say Hello in the Tagalog Language Good audio resources Tagalog Dictionary..For Windows 95 Free Download!!! - Philippines & Filipinos Online! Check out the link to "Learn to Speak Tagalog" - Excellent!!! Kadenang Pinoy (Philippine Links) Maynila uses the following links as a means of reaching out to Filipinos in the Internet. Kadenang Pinoy visits and reviews Philippine related sites and homepages and presents a collection of links that might be of interest to the readers. Consider Kadenang Pinoy as your virtual library of resources and references. Philippine History and Culture Excellent!!! |
Learning Practical Turkish Home Page Nicely arranged site with good material |
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig -- Scottish Gaelic College on the Isle of Skye
An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaga -- Largest Scottish Gaelic Organization in the U.S.
Black Mountain Gaelic Society -- for Beginners to Scottish Gaelic
Craig Cockburn's Scottish Gaelic and Culture Links
Scottish and Irish Gaelic Resources at UNC
Irish Gaelic Resources -- "Ceantar"