Check-in Procedure Sheet


Your project must be checked in after it has been set up.  You cannot leave until your project has been approved.  One of the Fair Officials must sign the yellow Display Approval Form.  You must also complete the Property Removal Pass.  Security will not allow you to remove your project board and equipment without it.


Projects must adhere to the following safety regulations.  These regulations are taken from the International Rules for Precollege Research: Guidelines For Science Fairs.  Anything which could be hazardous for public display is prohibited.


** Important **


Previous year(s)’s work may not be displayed on the project board.  Prior years’ data books are allowed at the project but written materials and visual depictions from prior years may not be displayed.  You may not use the terms “Year Two” or “Phase Two”, etc. in reference to this project being an extension of a previous year’s work.


Unacceptable For Display


1 - Live or dead organisms, including plants, animals, preserved vertebrates/invertebrates (including embryos), dried plant materials, microbial cultures, fungi, and taxidermy specimens and parts.

2 - Human or animal food, including candy

3 - Human/animal parts or body fluids ( such as blood, urine, etc.) (Exceptions: Teeth, hair, dried animal bones, histological dry mount sections, and completely sealed wet mount tissue slides).

4 - Soil or waste samples (living, dead, or non-manufactured state (these samples are allowed if permanently encased/sealed; NOT in baggies).  Sand, rocks, wood or manufactured construction materials used in building the project or display may be displayed if they pose no hazard or risk.

5 - Sharp items, including but not limited to, syringes, pipettes, or other similar devices.

6 - Flames or flammable materials

7 - Laboratory or household chemicals including water - if a small amount of water in integral to the functioning of the apparatus, this small amount will be allowed.

8 - Awards, medals, business cards.

9 - Names, addresses, school names, accomplishments, acknowledgments of mentors/companies. (Acknowledgments may be included in the research papers or in a notebook but not on the project board or abstract).





10 - Photographs or other visual presentations that depict: a) animals in other-than-normal conditions (i.e., surgical techniques, dissection, necropsies, other lab techniques, improper handling techniques or improper housing conditions, etc.) b) humans, other than self, family or persons for whom you have an Informed Consent Forms (4B) or c) any offensive photographs or visual depictions as determined by the Fairs’ officials.

11 - Poisons, drugs, controlled substances, hazardous substances or device( including firearms, weapons, ammunition, reloading devices, etc.).

12 - Dry Ice or other sublimating solids

13 - Batteries with open tops

14 - Any apparatus with unshielded belts, pulleys chains or moving parts with tension or pinch points may not be operated.


Lasers ( Class II ) must be approved by the Display and Safety Committee.  Class III and IV may not be operated.

High Voltage equipment (in excess of 12 volts) must be shielded to prevent shocks.  All wiring must be insulated.


* Under no circumstances should you return parts to your exhibit that have been removed!


An abstract must be displayed, preferable on the board.  This is important, since the judges look at these first.  A data book and research paper are not required but are strongly recommended.


Maximum size of project: 30 inches deep. 48 inches wide, 108 inches high including table


Those students who worked in an outside laboratory or research institution must display a copy of Form 1C


During the interview, the judges will want to ask you questions about your project and you should make a brief, appropriate response.  This competition is not like Junior Academy of Science where you make an extended, formal presentation.  Be prepared to share briefly what your project is about but also be prepared for questions.  It is an interview!!





If you have questions, read the International Rules for Precollege Research: Guidelines For Science Fairs. These are available on our web site, under Teacher Resources. If you still have questions, call Henry Disston, DVSF Director at Drexel University ( 215-895-5840)